Charitable Grants
The Glaser Family Charitable Foundation is a family foundation that was established in 2001 and is located in Bonham, Texas. The foundation has a broad range of philanthropic interests. The Glaser Family Foundation exists to strengthen educational and cultural opportunities, protect children's health, and support Christian ministries.
The Glaser Family Charitable Foundation can distribute grants only to qualified public entities or 501(c)(3) charities.
The Foundation neither lends nor grants money to individuals.
Application Requirements
and Review Process
The Foundation strives to be responsive to the needs of all eligible organizations and considers requests of any amount. There is no formal application form. Grants are accepted throughout the year and will be awarded in June (deadline for application by May 1) and in December (deadline for application by November 1). Applicants will be notified whether or not their grant request is approved at that time. Each organization is limited to one application within a twelve-month period.
At this time, only grant proposals from Fannin County and the surrounding area will be considered, unless the organization that is applying is a previous grant recipient.
Applications should include:
- A brief history of the organization and description of existing services (if applicable, please include website address, current programs and accomplishments, current number of staff, and volunteers, and current population served, e.g., number served per year, geographic location, socio-economic status, ethnicity, gender, or age)
- A description of the proposed program
- The specific dollar amount requested from the Foundation and date payment is needed
- A list of all entities asked to give financial support to the proposed project (include their responses to date and dollar amount committed)
- A project budget including income and expenses
- A plan to evaulate the project (please include measurable, time-specific goals, a description of information to be collected to measure progress and how that information will be collected)
- A list of trustees or directors and corporate officers that includes: titles for board of directors, profession, ethnicity and gender
- Names and qualifications of staff involved with the proposed project
- The organization's current operating budget and year-to-date financial statements
- The last certified audit (if a young agency, send the last fiscal year's statements and the last IRS Form 990 filed)
- A copy of the latest verification of tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service under Section 170 of the IRS code
Address grant correspondence to:
Glaser Family Charitable Foundation
Attn: Cindy Bankston
1200 Ranch Dr.
Bonham, Texas 75418